Why Study Management

You may be wondering why you need to study management. If you are an accounting major, a marketing major, or an major other than management, you may not understand how studying management may help you in your career. We can explain the value of studying management by looking at the universality of the management, the reality of work, and the rewards and challenges of being a manager.

The Universality of Management:
Just how universal is the need of management in organizations? We can say with certainty that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational levels and in all organizational work areas, and in all organizations, no matter what country they are located in. This is known as the universality of management. Managers in all these settings will plan, organize, lead, and control. However this is not to say that management is done the same way. The differences in what a supervisor in a software applications testing facility at Microsoft does versus what the CEO of Microsoft does are a matter of degree and emphasis, not of function. Because both are managers, both will plan, organize, lead, and control, but how they do so will differ.

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Since management is universally needed in all organizations, we have a vested interest in improving the way organizations are managed. Why? we interact with organizations every single day of our lives. Does it frustrate you when you have to spend three hours in department of motor vehicles office to get your driver’s license renewed? Are you irritated when non of the sales persons in a department store seems interested to help you? Do you get annoyed when you call an airline three times and their sales representatives quote you three different prices for the same trip? Theses are all examples of problems created by poor management. Organizations that are well managed develop a loyal customer base, grow, and prosper. Those that are poorly managed find themselves with a declining customer base and reduced revenues. By studying management, you shall be able to recognize poor management and work to get it corrected. In addition, you shall be able to recognize good management and encourage it, whether it is in an organization with which you are simply interacting or whether it is in an organization in which you are employed.

The Reality of Work:
Another reason for studying management is the reality that for most of you, once you graduate from college and being you career, you will either manage or be managed. For those who plan on management careers, an understanding of the management process forms the foundation upon which to build your management skills. For those of you who don’t see your self in a management position, you are still likely to have work with managers. Assuming that you will have to work for a living and recognizing that you are very likely to work in an organization, you shall probably have some managerial responsibilities even if you are not a manager. Our experience tells us that you can gain a great deal of insight into the way your boss behaves and the internal workings of organizations by studying management. Our point is that you don’t have to aspire to be a manager to gain something valuable from a course in management.

Rewards and Challenges of Being a Manger:
We cannot leave our discussion of the value of studying management without looking at the rewards and challenges of being a manager. What does it mean to be a manager? Being a manager in today’s dynamic work place provides many challenge. It can be a tough and often thankless job. You may have to deal with a variety of personalities and many times have to make do with limited resources. It can be a challenge to motivate works in the face of uncertainty and chaos. And managers may find it difficult to effectively blend the knowledge, skills, ambitions, and experience of a divers group of employees. Finally, as a manager, you are not in full control of your destiny. Your success typically is dependant upon others, work performance.

Despite these challenges, being a manager can be very rewarding. You are responsible for creating a work environment in which organizational members can do their work to the best of their ability and help the organization achieve its goals. In addition, as a manager, you often have the opportunity to think creatively and use your imagination. You help gather find meaning and fulfillment in their work. You get to support, coach, and nurture others and help them make good decisions. You shall get to meet and work with a variety of people-both inside and outside the organizations. Other rewards of being a manger may include receiving recognition and status in the organization and in the community. Playing a role in influencing organizational out comes, and receiving attractive compensation in the form of salaries, bonus, and stock options. Finally, organizations need good managers. Nothing greater ever happens by it self! its through the combined efforts of motivated and passionate people that organizations accomplish their goals. As a manager, you can get satisfaction from knowing that your efforts, skills and abilities are needed. Author of this article also writes articles about cost and management accounting.

Rashid Javed is an Asian author. He writes about financial statement analysis, contribution margin, and Operating Leverage.

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The Importance Of Waste Management

Archeological evidence said that humans had a way of managing their waste even before landfills and incinerators were developed. In many archeological sites, dumping pits were discovered where early people were believed to throw in their waste. In the course of history, waste regulations were enacted. This suggests that waste management is not a modern principle but in fact a natural response to existence.

Humans naturally know what to do with their waste as evidenced by the instituted waste management systems in the pre-modern and modern forms. However, along with global industrialization and population explosion, waste production blew out of proportion, endangering the environment and threatening humans and other living things. With the environmental issues raised here and there, there seems to be a need to remind humans of the importance of waste management.

Education and awareness campaigns play a great part here. Not all people after all are aware that the one piece of waste material they are sending to landfills or incinerators constitutes a greater threat to the environment. Presently, calls to recycle and waste reduction are widely active. And various projects and campaigns are launched everyday, adding more noise to the earlier advocacies on proper waste management.

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The good news is that a good number of the population is increasingly becoming aware of the importance of waste management and is getting involved. However, more need to be tapped. There are still who remain passive. This segment of the population probably knows that proper waste management benefits the Earth and consequently everyone and everything living in it. But only vaguely. The finer and more intricate details are probably not known to them.

Waste does a lot of things. When brought to the landfills, they emit greenhouse gas in the form of methane. Although methane can be used to make energy, it is generally hazardous to health. Wastes buried in landfills also tend to leach chemicals that can contaminate groundwater. Wastes can be incinerated, though. The problem with incinerators, however, is that they also produce greenhouse gas and other forms of toxin such as dioxin. Dioxin is found to cause cancer. Whether waste is brought to a landfill or incinerator, it seems like it is a potential source of pollution and threat to health.

Although indirectly, waste causes resource depletion. This is due to the common buying pattern: buy, throw, and then buy again. As the waste piles up high, the demand for more products also rises, almost exhausting the natural resources. This has a spiral effect, mainly involving threats to biodiversity, deforestation, pollution, and other environmental problems.

Waste management can be part of the solution in two ways: one is through waste reduction, and two through recycling. Consistent waste reduction and recycling activities mean there will be less waste materials to be sent to landfills and incinerators. As such, the emission of greenhouse gas and other forms of pollutant will be reduced by a large percentage. Reusing and recycling of used items will also result in less production of new products. And this helps in the conservation of natural resources.

There is a great need in understanding the importance of waste management because unless it is acknowledged by all people, waste management efforts will not progress to further heights.

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More Best Answers for Retail Management Interview Questions

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If you are interviewing for a retail management position, you might be curious about some of the job interview questions. Moreover, you might be curious as to what the best answers for those retail management questions are. Keep reading on to get some helpful tips and answers.

Question: How would you handle a problem employee, such as someone who consistently arrives late to work?
The answer to this question might seem a little bit tricky. After all, a good company does not want an employee who wastes company time and money on their payroll. However, an answer such as “terminate them immediately” might be jumping the gun too fast. One of the best answers for retail management interview questions along this line is an answer that involves checking their work history, providing a clear and simple reminder, and then possibly termination if an improvement was not made in a timely matter.

Question: You walked through the store on the way in and have possibly shopped here before, what would you recommend doing to improve this store?
The answer to this question is another tricky one. Your first impulse is to assume “this company doesn’t want to hear I think the store looks like crap.” Of course, you don’t want to use those exact words, but provide an honest answer. The best answers for retail management interview questions are honest ones. Ideal suggestions include have an employee greet me when I walk through the door, remove bulky displays in the aisles that hinder cart movement, and so forth.

Question: Have you personally shopped here before? Why or why not?
You might think it is best to answer this interview question with a “yes.” After all, the best types of retail store employees are those who take pride in their company and actual shop with them. However, don’t outright lie to suck up. Once again, this is your chance to shine. Provide honest feedback if you don’t shop there (why not and what would change your shopping habits). If you are an avid shopper, state why (whether it be the friendly staff, the quality products, or the good prices).

Question: As a new store manager, how would you delegate tasks to your coworkers?
This type of interview question for a retail management position is designed to get an idea of your method of management. Are you a manager who just goes with the flow? By the way, these aren’t the type of store managers that most retailers look for. If you were, your response would include letting each employee perform the tasks they normally do. If you were a take-charge kind of manager who is interested in producing the best results, your answer would involve assessing and communicating with each coworker first. The goal is to determine who is the most productive at what and go from there.

Question: While you are applying for a store management position, can you still work as part of a successful team?
One of the best answers for retail management interview questions like this one is yes! As a store manager, it is your responsibility to manage the entire store, as well as each employee. On that same note, store managers often help with everyday tasks. This is particularly common in small stores with limited payroll hours. Job interviewers want to know that you can not only handle the management aspects, but the team aspects as well, such as helping your stockers unload a warehouse truck.

Use SpotThings.com to search for retail management job and more; search thousands of job sites at once!

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Importance of Good Management Skills

Need for Good Management Skills

Management, as described in the dictionary, is the act/ art/ method of controlling, managing or conducting; in other terms it is the “skillful” use of resources by a group of individuals (also collectively known as management) to complete a job. Some people acquire good management skills by means of training although some are normally good at it. No 1 nevertheless, is born with good management skills. They learn and create them, via the course of their lives.
Some take to them simply/ obviously whilst some have to operate more difficult on improving management skills.

Actions like preparing, organizing, recruiting, directing and controlling in an organization type the crux of basic management skills. When a individual perfects himself in these actions, he is mentioned to possess good management skills.
For that however, the individual ought to know how to strike a balance in between the routines as nicely as performing any of them in access to what is necessary could go towards him and his group.

Customarily, a manager who was capable to get to the root trigger of a difficulty and fix it speedily so as not to damage the earnings of the business was regarded as to have good business management skills. This notion nevertheless is transforming now with the modifying times as now the manager is expected not to wait for a crisis to take place in purchase to resolve it but is anticipated to pre-empt/ predict / foresee a crisis and carry remedial measures beforehand itself in purchase to avert crisis altogether.
In other words, a individual with preventive management skills in addition to reactive management skills is stated to have ‘good management skills’.

A good manager ought to also be well versed with the various kinds of management designs which are: autocratic (exactly where the manager will take decisions with only the business’s point of view), paternalistic (right here the group member’s properly becoming is also regarded as when generating a choice), democratic (choices are produced in accordance with the common opinion as held amongst the team customers) and passive (exactly where all responsibility is delegated among the team people and thus the manager only acts as a supervisor of sorts for choice making).

For a single to have effective management skills he ought to be capable to use the numerous management types in isolation or blend, as the situation might need, in pursuit of best probable outcomes.

Get more information about the best good management skills here.

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